Unanswered questions, somewhat answered
While the flu-stricken writing part of the blog did not exactly experience quarantine, it did have more quiet time than usual alone at home last week. This allowed several questions raised by earlier walks to be readdressed. We saw this on our walk from the Washington Park area to Marketplace back at the end of July. A day care? A school? A family resource center? I think the last is what it would call itself, if the physical location shown above matches with this online location: The Potter's House. The name comes from a Bible verse that I did not recognize (Jeremiah 18:4 And the vessel that he made of clay was marred in the hand of the potter; so he made it again into another vessel as it seemed good to the potter to make), but the blog was glad to be disabused of its false notion that this was somehow related to the potter who owned the original "potter's field." (The blog still finds both etymologies rather gloomy sources for naming day care facilities.)
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