Sneaking into Brookberry the back way...

...we found a school and some more building activity. The school, in a lovely quiet setting on Lyndale Drive, is designed to help dyslexic children learn to read. The website for the school is very welcoming, the average class size is 6, and the blog agrees that there is a lot of good evidence that brains are plastic enough for a systematic approach to work. The blog also knows enough about brain plasticity to be certain that the students and the teachers at this school are working very hard. Lot 217 is listed on the Brookberry Farm website as "under contract." The lot lists at $89,500, much less than the highest lot price of over $180,000. There is no way to relate the lot numbers to the site map other than by guessing, so the blog is guessing that $180,000 is a lake front view. Which reminded the blog to return to its favorite lake front home, the one at 4200 Cold Spring Lane. Still on the market at $789,900. Days on Zillow = 59. Walk score, 2. Of faithful blog readers, Maggie takes second place, with a walk score of 80. Abe is the winner with a walk score of 97. This begs the question of what one needs to do to get a walk score of 100? I tried several locations I know in Manhattan, but the highest walk score I could come up with was 94.
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