Monday evening's walk was highly productive, despite a near-lethal tree pollen count. We re-located Traemor (it's closer to Jefferson Middle School than we originally thought). Susan still likes it because of its smaller houses, attractive brick facades, and new-urbanish feel (houses close together! a back alley! sidewalks!), but has two additional comments. First, it is now clear to her that Traemor's charm is enhanced by the surrounding developments being so unlovely; second, despite having a neighborly plan, Traemor was devoid of life this fine spring evening. Possibly it is simply too perfect to live in? While pondering the lessons of Traemor, we spied an obelisk in the cemetary of the Mount Tabor United Methodist Church on Robinhood Road. This attractive obelisk dates from the 1920s, but the cemetary turned out to be much older and more interesting than someone who occasionally drives by would imagine. This will be worth a return visit.
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