The Hyde Park Barracks is but one of the many thoughtful museums with which Sydney is blessed. The monument to the potato famine is built into one of its outer walls.
We took the train from Sydney to Leura, and did some nice bushwalking. Today was the first really nice spring day in Winston-Salem.
Everything about the Sydney Opera House is bold, including the carpet color.
..."only in Australia."Interested blog readers who want another perspective on current events might consider checking out the online ALJAZEERA English language service, which the blog is using to follow events in Egypt.
The blog first encountered the term boomburb at the Museum of Sydney, where it was astonished by the photographs of Andrew Merry. Jon sent a link today on the topic of McMansions that reminded the blog about boomburbs. How do you know if you are living in a boomburb? It turns out that there is an official Wikipedia definition:
Boomburb is a neologism for a large, rapidly growing city that remains essentially suburban in character even as it reaches populations more typical of urban core cities. Like edge city, an older and more widely accepted term, it describes a relatively recent phenomenon in North America.
This is the right attitude.
The home of recently deceased Winston-Salem legend Phil Hanes has been donated to Wake Forest University. It is currently inaccessible to the public as it is located down Chatham Farm Road, a private lane. The blog drives past the entrance on Robinhood Road every day,, and yearns for a glimpse of this property. The house, built in 1930, is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. It is referred to as both the Middleton House and the Chatham-Hanes House. It took the blog some digging, but this property is even more interesting than its 1930 construction date implies. From an NRHP Workshop, the blog learned:Middleton House, Forsyth County, North Carolina (February 28, 2000). The Winston-Salem home of Martha Thurmond Chatham, widow of one of state’s most prominent textile industrialists, has been recognized for its design achievement and association with the early historic preservation movement. The relocated Federal-style plantation house (ca. 1829) and its gracefully designed five-acre site resulted from the 1930-1933 collaboration of prominent country estate designer Ellen Biddle Shipman of New York and local restoration architect William Roy Wallace (who had worked under Philadelphia’s Charles Barton Keen).