Sunday evening we found (with Trevor and Andrea's phoned-in navigational assistance - thanks, guys) the new Muddy Creek Greenway. We parked in a small lot off Meadowlark, and walked 5 miles, including some very muddy unpaved parts. Nate actually deigned to come with us. The path was busy, suggesting the existence of pent-up demand for greenways in Winston-Salem. The blog has been eagerly anticipating this particular greenway as a result of some correspondence last spring with the Winston-Salem Journal's now departed Straight Answer Ma'am, Ronda Bumgardner. SAM seems to have been a luxury that a modern newspaper can't afford. I know there is still a daily question-and-answer column in the Journal, but it lacks SAM's personal touch. So here, as a small tribute, is my correspondence with SAM from 2008. Hi Susan, Welcome to Winston-Salem. We live in the same neighborhood. I live on Good Hope Road. I'll have an answer in the SAM column in the next day or two. The city would LOVE to have MORE greenways, but property acquisition is expensive. Building the trails themselves isn't that costly. In addition, the city wants the greenways to connect as much as possible so even if there's a stretch of land available, if it doesn't connect with the other greenway, it's not as attractive to the city as a parcel of land that connects to existing greenways. Regards Ronda Bumgardner Ask SAM columnist Winston-Salem Journal